Sunday, 24 June 2012


Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

These guys do this for donations. 
In Canada we think buskers on unicycles are daring. 

New Delhi, 1986
scan from slide


s.c said...

Great one Wayne

alex said...

super cool! in Southern California, we consider walking instead of driving to be the most daring of activities.

TheChieftess said...

This one startled me!!! Until I remembered that you're doing your series of old travel photos!!! I couldn't quite imagine snake charmers in Vancouver!!!

RedPat said...

At first I thought it was Vancouver too!

Taken For Granted said...

It is surprising to find snake charmers anywhere in the U.S. Not sure how successful they are since so many people are wary of snakes, especially poisonous snakes.

CaT said...

you know what. just last weekend in NY we saw guys with big snakes that they were draping around tourists for money. thought it horrible...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you could find a unicycling busker with a boa constrictor around his neck somewhere on the Venice boardwalk.

Stefan Jansson said...

That would have been a fun photo of you CaT!

Virginia said...

And will you share the boa around your neck photo ???