Friday, 25 May 2012

Travel Tip # ...

... 17. When travelling in a new city wear an eye-popping toque.
You can't get lost even if you want to.


Andy said...

Maybe his mother gave it to him.

Kate said...

Compared with his jacket and backpack, the hat is a wild departure. I think it looks great, better than the ear plugs he's sporting!

Nellies said...

Thanks for the tip Wayne, I will try to remember :-)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Paul in Powell River said...

Thanks for the early morning chuckle! :)

Anonymous said...

Got it. Now, can you review 1-16?

Wayne said...

KB, 1-16 are all variations on the theme of 'Don't take candy from strangers'.

Thanks for the comments.

BTW, I'm pretty sure he is a she.

TheChieftess said...

Bright colored hats and today I learned about dangling cute little fabric roses on your suitcase so you can spot it easily!!!