Sunday, 27 May 2012

There's Good News ...

... and there's bad news. 
Or maybe it's just all bad.
A couple of years ago I scanned all my slides but it was a rush job.
Everything was digitized but I really didn't know what I was doing.
Now I'm trying to learn (teach myself) how to scan film/slides properly.
I'm still figuring it out.
Appliance Delivery
To relieve some of the monotony of Lotus Land for all concerned I'm going to post an image on Sundays from long ago and far away.
I suppose this could backfire on me. 
After all, who wants to look at someone else's travel slides?
But I'm assured by reliable sources that no one looks at blogs on Sundays.

The first slide is an outstandingly poor choice for the debut. 
Even though everyone is in the shadows I had to try to get a shot of the porter carrying the fridge.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Fall, 1986


Andy said...

I'll be looking forward to your Sunday photo project.

Virginia said...

I can't wait to see these again! I have a photo of two guys in Paris carrying a toilette down the street! :)

I think this is a fine idea W, for what that's worth.

Nellies said...

I guess there are some people looking at blogs on Sunday :-)
Sure, many of them are in the shadows, but I kind of like it. Especially the guy on the bike who is looking at you. Have a great weekend Wayne!

TheChieftess said...

Still giggling after reading your post!!! I love the idea! I have a bunch of slides from my first trip to Europe that I've thought about'll have to fill me in on how you're doing it!!!

TheChieftess said...

ps...Katmandu??? Interesting place to visit!!!

Taken For Granted said...

I look at blogs on Sunday. Why not? You have a great idea of scanning travel slides and posting them. Look forward to seeing more. Your first one is impressive. Thanks.

RedPat said...

We all seem to be on your blog on a Sunday! Great catch.

Wayne said...

It seems my reliable sources aren't.

I've added Nepal in case I'd created some confusion re: the location of Kathmandu.

Ka'th'y, were you wondering about the spelling?

The spelling seems to have changed over the years. It's Ka'th'mandu on Google maps. It's Khathmandu in this verse from The Neolithic Age by Kipling:

Still the world is wondrous large,—seven seas from marge to marge—
And it holds a vast of various kinds of man;
And the wildest dreams of Kew are the facts of Khatmandhu
And the crimes of Clapham chaste in Martaban.

Thanks for all the comments.

Anonymous said...

We may not look on Sunday, but we will on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Sundays are the perfect time to upload a photo from the past; after all it's the chosen day for most of us to unwind, and what better way to unwind than to reminisce about our adventures!I love this photo, it's far removed from our lives, but it's everyday life for those in Nepal.