Monday, 7 May 2012

Run Full

The BMO (Bank of Montreal) Marathon was yesterday.
By the time I got involved the speedsters were long gone.
But there were still lots and lots of runners determined to make it all the way.
Runners chose the full or half run.


Kate said...

Love the photo of the runner, esp the form and the lime green clothes!

Paul in Powell River said...

Well good for them! - I have trouble walking the length of the seawall!

CaT said...

nice, the green!!
i could never ever run a marathon. or a half. probably not even 1/4

Gunn said...

I just keep walking,;)
Maraton is not for me.
Will dine, sporty man!

Gunn said...

I just keep walking,;)
Maraton is not for me.
Will dine, sporty man!