Tuesday 15 May 2012

Puff Ball

I've featured this mural before.
I'm not sure it was really necessary to black out the car's license plate.
Until recently I never used the adjustment brush in Lightroom. 
I didn't understand how it worked.
Now that I understand how it works, I dodge and burn everything. 
Whether it's needed or not.


s.c said...

Its a great mural monday murals worthy.

Chrissy Brand said...

I like the car colour matching the mural!

Andy said...

Count me in as also liking the mural and the red matching car.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Well done! It´s a great picture, I really like it.

CaT said...

the mural is great. too bad you cant brush out the entire car and paint in the remainder of the mural.
or maybe you could... ?
i always like those... puff balls..? now i dont even know how we call them in dutch. the flower we call "paardenbloem" (horseflower).

anyways, i will look up that book! im totally obsessed with these state hospitals right now, and i discovered there are many, many, many around here. most abandoned. some converted to apartment complexes, etc...

RedPat said...

I love the mural and don't even mind the car - at least it is colour co-ordinated!

Nellies said...

haha, having fun with your Lightroom eh? I recently started using Lightroom as well, I'm starting to get a hang of it.
great mural by the way, love the colors.

Babzy.B said...

beautiful mural !

TheChieftess said...

I like the red car against pink and red mural too!

As for Lightroom...I've been using it almost exclusively for several years...long enough to totally screw up my organization...a word of advice Wayne...get your photo organization/keyword down now!!! It's not easy fixing it!!!

Stefan Jansson said...

What CaT said.

Wayne said...

Kathy, that ship already sailed. :-)

Wayne said...

Kathy, that ship already sailed. :-)

TheChieftess said...

I hope that means your LR is as organized as your desk!!!

Wayne said...

If only hoping would make it so. I'm so far behind with keywords and catalogues I may never get caught up. I know I need to apply the keywords first but it always ends up being an afterthought.

TheChieftess said...

Oh crap!!! Welcome to my world!!!

With well over 20,000 photos in LR...it really got screwy trying to find photos...I finally dumped everything into an older external hard drive and started over...I'm still organizing!!! Had help from a photographer friend who's taken the D65 LR seminars with Seth Resnick numerous times...key words are really important for stock photography which I might try my hand at! But just getting the catalogue entries organized is already helping...plus..I'm dumping all the cutsy family and animal pics that were interspersed and sticking them in iphoto...

good luck...but I do love LR!!!

Kate said...

Guess I'll have to investigate Lightroom. Great mural.

TheChieftess said...

@Kate...try it..you'll like it...but read up on the organization chapter first!!!

Rae Walter said...

Love the image Wayne.

Virginia said...

SHUT UP. You are so out of my league.