Wednesday 9 May 2012

Free Gas

Free Gas
Yesterday morning, for 90 minutes, the Shell at 2nd and Main gave away gas.
If you think this snarled traffic you're right.
Shell was promoting a new fuel blend.

Free Gas


Chrissy Brand said...

That's a surprise!

Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

s.c said...

In the second picture I see that the cars are not so great anymore as they used to be in your part of the world. I hope you where able to fill your car up with this surprise.

Andy said...

The only other place in town with big line ups would be the Tim Hortons drive-thru.

Stefan Jansson said...

Free is good.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Where's that Mountie's horse?

Kate said...

Never heard of this kind of promotion...nice. How many gallons were allowed each car??

Wayne said...

Kate, I think folks could fill their tank. I'm sure there were some restrictions in place.

s.c., I don't own a car. If I did I wouldn't have joined this mob.:-)

Tony, Vancouver has it's own police force. The Mounties are here but they don't police Vancouver.

RedPat said...

Chaos in the streets!

TheChieftess said...

Reminds me of the gas shortage lines back in the day...
boy...does that date me or what???

TheChieftess said...

Isn't that your cool new Shell station???

CaT said...

wow! free gas!
thats funny...

Nellies said...

haha, always funny when they give away free things like this. The cops probably didn't like it as much

FEDO said...

FOC? Free Of Charge? Wow. Great suprise..