Wednesday, 2 May 2012

DTES Mural

Abbott St. Wall
Until fairly recently it wasn't easy to get a clear shot of this mural.
What was a rubble-strewn, fenced-in, vacant lot is now a parking lot.

Abbott and Hastings Sts.


s.c said...

An unusual mural but very colorful. Thanks for showing Wayne.

Andy said...

I agree with s.c. about the colours. I've never seen a mural with so much pink in it. Glad you were able to get the shot before anyone parked in front of it.

CaT said...

nice and colorful! i like pink, and purple and all those girlcolors..

RedPat said...

It was the pink that I noticed too - not your usual colour choice for an urban mural. I like it!

TheChieftess said...

Wow!!! Purty in Pink!!!

Virginia said...

Oh now that is a fine shot. The light and shadows makes it even more so, W. !!!!

momto8 said...

wonder what the artist wanted to communicate?

Babzy.B said...

can't be more colorful :)