Thursday 26 April 2012


New Town Bakery
Some days Vancouver weather can be dull, and wet.
On the bright side there seem to be more and more cheerful umbrellas around.


s.c said...

Great streetshot Wayne. Pity the umbrella is not dripping of water but you can't have it all.

Andy said...

Nice capture Wayne. The way the weather has been here makes feel like I'm in Vancouver. I did an umbrella post last month. It looks like it was manufactured by the same company.

Kate said...

A beautiful design on this umbrella!

Virginia said...

I still like my Paris one the very best! :)

Paul in Powell River said...

The problem comes with what to do with ones own umbrella while getting the shot!

Bob Crowe said...

Chinese smorgasbord? Something is wrong with either the concept or the linguistics.

We've had both excellent and horrible means in V's Chinatown. The last time we were there someone at the hotel told us the area had become a bit dangerous. What's it like now?

Wayne said...

Yes Virginia, we all love your umbrella best.

Paul, I don't use an umbrella. :-)

Bob, Chinatown is safe. The area would definitely rattle anyone unprepared for it. The degree of shock varies block by block. Crime isn't an issue per se but there are lots of mentally ill folks down there who can be unpredictable. The biggest problem is that tourists walking from Gastown to Chinatown have to walk through the worst of the worst.

Thanks for all the comments.

Babzy.B said...

Arty umbrella :)

TheChieftess said...

I like this shot! Kind of a smackdown between cultures...