Friday, 24 February 2012

Shipshape and Bristol Fashion

This shot doesn't tell us anything about Vancouver.
Except that the new floors in the old convention centre are very shiny.


Anonymous said...

Oh my. I usually don't try to decipher those letters just to leave a comment. Blogger doesn't realize they reduce the amount of comments a person gets when they turn that feature on. I will try once to decipher and if you don't see this then you know I was not able to decipher it.

s.c said...

Still I love pictures of people at work. Nice one Wayne.

Wayne said...

Congratulations Abe!

Virginia said...

Abe I hate them too but I turned it off of my Paris blog and started getting spam galore in my Junk file. It's maddening.

W, clean floors are a good thing. I wouldn't know around here.

CaT said...

spam in my case is almost always filtered out! (but now apartment-brokers or how you call them start to give stupid comments on apartment-related posts on my blog, do they really think that helps their business??!)

anyways, i like the reflection and the yellow sticks.. what are those?

Wayne said...

CaT, those are 'Caution Wet Floor" signs.