Monday 6 February 2012

Mountains ...

… of wood chips.
One stop on many a tree's journey from forest to recycling bin.

Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, E. Kent St.


Paul in Powell River said...

I've never heard a pile of wood chips decribed quite that way. The pile in front is actually hog fuel, it's heading to the boiler.

TheChieftess said...

Whew!!! I was beginning to go through crane withdrawal...

Taken For Granted said...

For the last few years I've been helping to build Habitat houses which are largely made of oriented strand board, or OSB, mostly wood chips and a binder. Our forests don't produce much large dimensional lumber any more. The small farmed trees are ground into chips for a wide variety of products. Great photo. You have been spot on in February so far. Love both the VW and the switch engine.

Virginia said...

I can hear your giggles of glee!