Thursday, 9 February 2012

February 7

February 7
Part of this image is in focus here, I'm pretty sure. Don't ask me to find it.
But that's not the point.
The point is, the picture was taken on February 7.

Van Dusen Gardens


Andy said...

Is this normal this time of year? See my posting here for what is growing in Ontario.

s.c said...

It must very warm for the time of year by you. By us the contrary.

Nellies said...

Beautiful, I love blossoms, even when they pop out a little bit early in the year.

John Going Gently said...

some lovely photographs here.... found you by accident.....
best wishes from a wet and cold north wales

Barbara/myth maker said...

That is crazy. Crocus are sprouting up around here. "Winter" was a mystery this year.

RedPat said...

Wow - already!
The Toronto Star had an article about the Red Rockets in S. F. Of course I already knew all about it thanks to a good blogger friend!

CaT said...

very pretty! i like the diffuse focus/non-focus.
isnt that a little early? although there apparently do exist trees that blossom twice a year, if its just warm enough.

TheChieftess said...

Looks like you're getting an early spring too!!! We've had more snow melt than snow this year!!!

Babzy.B said...

wow , flowers in february , not usual :)