Thursday, 24 November 2011

Terry Fox

The first Terry Fox Memorial at BC Place was an architectural abomination (in my humble opinion).
During the recent major renovation of the stadium Douglas Coupland was commissioned to create a new memorial. Coupland got it right (in my humble opinion).
The image on the screen is part of slide show.

Additional views of the memorial can be found on flickr.


Andy said...

Terry Fox deserves to be honoured. Money is still being donated to his cause many years after his death.

Mo said...

And a great photo of the installation

Virginia said...

A remarkable memorial and you composed it beautifully with the slideshow in the background. Good one W.

cathy said...

I live in Thunder Bay where we have a most beautiful memorial for Terry Fox not too far from the location where he ended his run... His name still gives me a lump in my throat....a true Canadian hero!

alex said...

had not known about his story over here in the states. thanks for sharing.

RedPat said...

I got goose bumps looking at this pic. I can still see in my head the films of him loping along on his journey. He really was a hero. Wonderful post!