Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Red Room

Another occasion when I could have used a tripod.

Richards St. between Hastings St. and Cordova St.


Montreal Photo Daily said...

Nice one Wayne. Have a happy Thursday!

Hello from Montreal.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I think I like it better this way.

Virginia said...

Me too. Who wants to lug a stupid tripod around. It's more fun to try and brace yourself by a lamppost and fire away! Gret night shot. That mural is the added bonus.

CaT said...

tripods are highly overrated.
the few times i have used one, the pics i took without turned out better! theres no flexibility with such a thing...
and i like this photo!

Stefan Jansson said...

My tripod (which isn't really mine at all), broke a few years ago.

cj goad ~ photography said...

Nice work. I know the area from the 70's and the early 80's. Interesting to see a club still in that location.

TheChieftess said...

Me too, me too!!! I like the slight shake...adds to the composition!!!