Wednesday 20 July 2011

Everyone's ...

… a critic.

Portland Art Museum


Kate said...

Thank goodness for those benches in museums! Great places to gaze, think, and rest!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

It's a good thing, Wayne.
Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

"You haven’t seen the Rubens? There’s one over there. Yes, lovely, he does all the fat ladies with nothing on. Great big fat ladies, except for a tiny little wisp of gauze always lands on the appropriate place, if you notice that."

Virginia said...

Hiker cracked me up too! I think he might be saying, "Hey look at that. What the hell is that? I could paint that myself"!

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha ha.

TheChieftess said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...or not!!!