Friday, 3 June 2011

It's June ..

… for Pete's sake!
This was what the weather looked like on Thursday afternoon. 
The forecast is for nice weather beginning today.
The widget off to the right should tell the real story.


jennyfreckles said...

Round here they have a saying: "It looks black over Bill's mother's." I don't know who Bill's mother was but I think she lived over there!

Wayne said...

… only in England Jenny. :-)

I thought I was fairly conversant in English expressions but I've never heard that one. I like it. said...

Great shot, wonderful. What a threatening sky...

TheChieftess said...

Ah heck, Wayne, now I know where all our snow is originating from!!!

Virginia said...

Whip you your Paris parapluie and carry on W.

Regina K said...

Now that is a storm moving in. I love to watch weather like this.

Babzy.B said...

i like the contrast of green and grey :)