Wednesday, 9 March 2011


I had half a day in Seattle. 
Chuck (One A Day-Mostly Seattle) had some free time so we got together at 
Pike Place Market for a coffee.
When you visit Chuck's blog be sure to check the link to his Etsy Shop to see his glass work.

I'm on my way to Austin, TX for HONK! TX with The Carnival Band. Once that's out of the way I'll travel to D.C. for a few days.


Virginia said...
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Virginia said...

Lordy, you've become a jet setter W! Austin's just a hop, skip, and a jump from Bama you know!

Love seeing CP in this element. Great shot. Love his beads too.

Unknown said...

Chuck via: Wayne:

Hey Chuck, get back to work ! You're suppose to be "sleeping" at your stall, NOT riding . . .

Riding the Wet Coast

PS Wayne: Have a good trip and take lots of photos with your new D7000, hope you brought your manual.

TheChieftess said...

Looks like trouble coming your way!!! Have a fun trip!