Saturday 5 February 2011


On a recent Thursday The Carnival Band joined a demo by SFU faculty and students who object to Goldcorp's proposed purchase of naming rights for the Woodward's Campus.


Anonymous said...

They must have a ton of money to spend to get to name the campus.

Virginia said...

Is this sorta kinda like a parade W? Well good. I've missed them. (I'll live to regret that statement, I"m sure)

RedPat said...

They seem to want to sell naming rights for everything these days. I really hate it when the name changes and you have no idea what the place is called anymore!

Wayne said...

Abe, the figure was $10,000,000.00 but I don't know if the deal is done yet or not.

TheChieftess said...

WOW!!! For that kind of loot I'll change my name and engrave the new one on...