Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The only thing better ...

… than a crane pic is a crane pic plus reflection. 

from CRAB Park, foot of Main St.


Andy said...

The only thing better than a crane pic plus reflection would be one of a crane loading ships with goods to export.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

A crane, a reflection of a crane, and the crane is coral red with yellow along the water's edge... I wonder if this is a loading station as Andy suggested or dry dock...

Merci, Wayne...


Virginia said...

Trois rouge cranes ou une??

Anonymous said...

Heavy duty stuff. Wow. Where are the ships?

jennyfreckles said...

You'd have been delighted - there was a crane outside my office today dredging the canal. But no, I didn't whip my camera out! You'll have to be content with the train wheel on my blog today.