Thursday, 24 February 2011

Last Leg

Earlier this month The Carnival Band went out to YVR to greet Jean Béliveau.
On Monday Jean set out on the last leg of his journey.
He'll walk to Montréal and arrive home in October. 

 Jean has encountered all manner of weather over the last 10 years and 70.000 KM but walking over the Rockies and across the prairies in the Canadian winter is going to be harsh.

On the band's short walk with Jean we passed a school where recess was in full swing. 


Stefan Jansson said...

Great project. Here is a working link.

Virginia said...

OK, these are all great but the kiddos at the gate is just my fav. Jean is amazing!!

PS "Full swing" I got it!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad I checked your page today, what an amazing story and experience! I checked out his site and bookmarked it too.