Saturday, 19 February 2011

Cherry Blossom Time

We're probably weeks away from cherry blossom time but this tree 
in the Sun Yat Sen Garden is getting a head start.

E. Pender St. @ Columbia St.

It snowed yesterday but it didn't stay on the ground in town.
The skiers are happy however.

from the Convention Centre


Regina K said...

Both of the photos are fabulous. I like the angle of that top photo. What is that object next to the cherry blossoms. I long for spring flowers.

jennyfreckles said...

Oh, I can't wait for blossom time... Both your photos are really uplifting - clear and colourful - and I like your current header too. We awoke to snow this morning, though it's very wet and won't last long.

Anonymous said...

Blossoms are beautiful. I can't wait for them to pop open around here.

Virginia said...

WEll aren't you the lucky ones in Lotusville! We don't have any blossoms down here in Dixie yet. I'm off to the Chinese New Year PARADE!!!

TheChieftess said...

I'm confused...aren't you in Vancouver??? Kind of next to Alaska? Aren't you supposed to still have snow, and lot's of it??? My vision of Canada has always been lot's and lot's of snow during the winter months...Lucky you to be so near cherry blossom time...(I hear the snow plow right now!!!)

Wayne said...

Most of Canada has lots and lots of snow Kathy.

Vancouver doesn't play by the rules.

RedPat said...

Lucky you with blossoms! We lost all our snow the last couple of days but it is cold (and sunny) today.

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden said...

Hello Wayne, awesome photos! Spring's definitely in the air. Our Witch Hazel tree is in full bloom too in the Scholar's Courtyard. Are you by the neighbourhood often?

Wayne said...

Yes, I stroll through the garden regularly.

Thanks to all for the comments.