Thursday, 30 December 2010

Festival of Lights

This is the first time ever that I was willing to put up with the lines to check out the Festival of Lights at Van Dusen Gardens.
Unwilling to lug my tripod I made do with garbage cans and stanchions. 
I should have taken the tripod. 


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh my! Wayne, this is simply beautiful and I'm glad that you were able to employ the garbage cans as a steady surface for your shot. The colors are stunning and perfectly reflected... excellent!

Happy New Year!

jennyfreckles said...

Definitely worth the effort waiting in line - and the trash can made a good tripod.

RedPat said...

Even I would line up for that! Beautiful. Have a Happy New Year!

Virginia said...

OH this is gorgeous. Our zoolight thing wasn't nearly this lovely. Trashcans are good. I hate a tripod myself.

Kim said...

Ultra gorgeous result!