Saturday, 11 December 2010

By Popular Demand

Crane c/w condo tower.
This new condo, office, hotel, whatever, tower is called Jameson something or other. 


Virginia said...

It was just a matter of time.......

TheChieftess said...

Whew!!! I was starting to go through crane withdrawals!!!

Chuck Pefley said...

Let's see ... is this your new condo building you're showing off ... or is it the magical crane you've posted just for Virginia?

Wayne said...

Condos are a dime a dozen around here Chuck and they'll be there forever. Cranes are like an endangered species, when they're gone they're gone.

Besides, I'm a slave to the demands of my faithful commenters. :-)

Anonymous said...

You tease.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh, you are such a card... makes me want to "deal with you"

Endangered species? Sbtttt!