Saturday, 20 November 2010


At the entrance to the National Gallery of Canada. 
Maman by Louise Bourgois

 Two of the vast assortment of government buildings in Ottawa

The Library of Parliament

8 comments : said...

the first shot looks amazing. great. almost extraterrestrial.

Anonymous said...

Those buildings are astonishing. Ottawa -- I had no idea.

TheChieftess said...

Very extraterrestrial!!! Love the reflection, love the library!!! Wonderful photos Wayne, all three of them!!!

Jackie said...

Fabulous pictures. I saw the spider sculpture in London, it was at Tate Modern for a while. Even as a hopeless arachnaphobic I have to say it was mesmerising (so not the most restful artistic experience ever!).

Leif Hagen said...

The first photo makes me wonder if Ottawa has been invaded by a HUGE, killer spider?! Run!
The Parliament library is extraordinary! I wonder what it looks like inside? (hint, hint)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wayne, you journey is so interesting... and that is one scary-looking spider! The second photo is a clever way to show us two buildings at once and I love the architecture and materials of the last building. Great trio from Ottawa!


bitingmidge said...

My Arachnid of the week!

Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia

RedPat said...

Nice shots! What a journey you are on!