Tuesday, 2 November 2010


I'm thinking of launching an ongoing series of gable photos.

To help fund this project please send $10.00 to 
MILL ℅ General Delivery. Vancouver, B.C
If you're opposed to the idea of a gable series send $20.00. 



Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I vote for "do the series" and will send you a virtual check. Love this one to kick it off!

Love your humor, Wayne...

lizziviggi said...

I vote for the series! Here's my check.
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Can you wait to cash it till Friday?

lizziviggi said...

Well, it was a check. Guess I won't try pictures in the comment section again! ;-)

I'll stick to emoticons.

J_on_tour said...

A lot of character about this one

CaT said...

the low budget blog is trying to create some budget now..?

TheChieftess said...

Damn...you caught me without my check book!!!

Nice contrast with the beautiful blue sky!!!!