Saturday, 16 October 2010


'65 Ford Falcon

I saw this red convertible sitting at the light but there were only a couple of seconds to catch it without other cars around once the light changed.


Virginia said...

Johnny on the Spot. LA would love these old cars. Reminds me of some of her finds.

Jean Spitzer said...

As elusive as the bird.

TheChieftess said...

What a fun capture Wayne!!! The 65 Falcon in front of a building that has a 60's flair...even the driver's haircut seems to fit!!! Love it!!!!

I think Laurie's magnetism for old, classic cars is wearing off on some of us...I've got one ready to post on the 18th on my Mammoth blog...

Elizabeth said...

What a car!!!!

Stefan Jansson said...

Great car. I will sometimes wave my arms like crazy when I spot a car I need to photograph. Often that is enough to get the driver's attention and most of the time they will actually stop for a chat!

Laurie Allee said...

Heh heh heh. ALl part of my master plan to bring back these old cars into production...

GORGEOUS Wayne. You knew I'd love this one, didn't you?

Wayne said...

I was pretty sure it would be up your street alright Laurie.