Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Seen on an outdoor patio on Main St. in the middle of the afternoon.


Virginia said...

Yep you are officially Artsy Fartsy now. Bravo, I thought I'd never drag you over to this side!

CaT said...

pretty pretty

Wayne said...

Just stopping by, I won't be staying on that side.

WV: lefie sob (I added the space)

TheChieftess said...

Gorgeous photo Wayne!!! Your artsy-fartsy side does you proud again!!!

TheChieftess said...

BTW...I was looking through my photos from our last vacation for my most recent Photographic Journey post and I kept saying...Oh!! Wayne would love that one...yep, there were cranes and scaffolding in Athens at the Acropolis!!! A few more posts in between...and I'll post you a doozy of a scaffolding/crane!!!

Babzy.B said...

lovely :)

Virginia said...

We'll just see about that!