Saturday, 28 August 2010

Pie Shaped

Where Kingsway and Main St. meet.


Virginia said...

A little tiny Flatiron Bldg.??

Unknown said...

It really looks like a slice from a pie.
Great photograph Wayne.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now your assignment is to take a picture of the inside. I've always wanted to see how people make use of this kind of space.

TheChieftess said...

Ditto AH!!! I'm fascinated by these buildings...and what would be inside!!!

Wayne said...

Karin, Kathy, I was inside about a year ago on the Main St. Art Walk. It's mostly artists studios. I don't recall exactly how they made use of the pointy end but I'll check on this year's walk.

Thanks for the comments.

TheChieftess said...

Ohhh!! I like the idea of an artist's studio!!! How about a photography studio???

Babzy.B said...

hey you need good teeth for this one :)