Friday, 16 July 2010

W is for ...

… Woodward's.

This is a drastically Photoshopped image of the old Woodward's sign.

A replacement revolves above the Woodward's project while the old sign serves as public art.


Virginia said...

I like the old one. The new one looks like it's perched on top of a petite la Tour Eiffel.

BTW, Genie has dubbed you........CRANE WAYNE!! :)

Jackie said...

And there was me thinking the W was for Wayne! Cool photos!

Wayne said...

I wonder who gave Genie that idea V?

Hi Jackie, I missed you. Isn't it time to fire up Glasgow Daily Photo again???

Virginia said...

I think the W should be your new header photo. Whoohooo!!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Well, it is my pet name for you but V did say that you had a thing for cranes.

I passed some cranes on the way down to Mobile from Bham and wished that I could have whipped out my camera -- I think that it was a red one which would have made V happy at the same time!

Happy weekend, W!

Virginia said...

Oh dear. Genie is pandering to the W. What ever will i do with you now?? :)

Kim said...

Now that the former US president is living a quiet life out of the lime light, you are the only W that comes to mind. I hear you have a nice hotel here in Seattle by that moniker, too. It's nice to have famous, rich, influential friends in northerly places.

Oh dear, don't choke on your tea now. . .

TheChieftess said...

I rather like these!!! And of course, the W stands for Wayne...Woodward's simply borrowed the idea!!!

Wayne said...

Where have you been Kathryn?? !

Unpacking I guess.

TheChieftess said...

Just got back last night!!! Made it through the whole day with lot's of energy...but am now starting to's going to be an early evening!!!