Saturday, 10 July 2010


Just as it appears, there is one window at the rear of this building in Strathcona.


Elizabeth said...

Just one small window, how strange!!!!

Virginia said...

And a woman in a black bra hanging out that window?? Come on W, you need to crop that thing more. This is a priceless shot you've got on your hands. Humor me.

PS Were you too rattled to ZOOOM?? :)

TheChieftess said...

Leave it to Wayne to find the window at a time when there'd be a woman in a bra in the window!!!

Hilda said...

Awful building. Fantastic shot! And The Chieftess got it right.

CaT said...

i accidentally found your blog. and i really like your pictures!! this one also is very funny... :)

Wayne said...

Thanks CaT. It's nice to hear you're enjoying the pics.