Friday, 2 July 2010

Red Sail In The Sunset

How corny can it get?


Virginia said...

YOU corny? Nah!!!!!!! Like the Vancouver rouge shot!:)

TheChieftess said...

I like the clouds and distant ships too!!!

Unknown said...

Not sure I understand the corniness but I say hey let's grab a picnic lunch and climb aboard and grab some of what you call corny!! What a gorgeous way to enjoy sun and water all rolled into one...I love sailing and again the picture makes me feel like I could just sail right into the sunset(oh please did I just say that? Oh my heavens I think I did) :=O) Hope you have a joyous and safe Holiday week-end Wayne

Wayne said...

I hope no one is planning to 'sail into the sunset' just yet Scooter.

I thought it was corny because of the reference to the schmaltzy song from the 30s. A quick look on Google indicates that almost everyone who was anyone recorded a version of it.

Unknown said...

I just meant sailing into the sunset for today....just a day sail your picture sort of captured the idea into my head of a day sail. I love them from early morning til sunset nothing beats them my friend you outta try it is a great stress release and a lovely way to just kick back and take some deep breaths into your lungs..yummy!! Well I suppose that is if you happen to love water like I do!! Keep taking your marvelous shots! You are wonderful :=O)