Tuesday, 15 June 2010


The, newish and stylish, Winston Ave. overpass.


Elizabeth said...

Very stylish bridge, the picture gets just that little bit of extra colour with the red shirt of the runner and the yellow bar at the side. Perfect

Anonymous said...

Pretty stylish photo as well.

Virginia said...

I was going to say how much did you pay that kid in the red shirt to run down that bridge, but I know you're cheap so you probably sat in the warm Vancouver sun for 8 hours till one came along.
V in Paree

jennyfreckles said...

Very stylish, especially against that wonderful blue sky. The red shirt makes it! Are you just lucky or what?

Wayne said...

Just lucky. :-)

He ran through the frame. I don't line up and I don't hang around for anything. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Well, it's a good thing that guy decided to wear red that day!!! And that you ad your camera in the ready position!!! Another artistic roll today!!!