Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Of all the Vancouver Biennale pieces around the city I think this is the one I've seen photographed most often.


Virginia said...

It's very red. That's all I can muster. Art? Really.

Kim said...

Wayne, we've just GOT to broaden V's artistic horizons. :-)
Love your shot of this. It is the first time I've seen it, and at first I thought you had been playing with the cloning feature on Photoshop and were trying to communicate something to us. That grass looks inviting. Hope you enjoyed the park.

Virginia said...

Keep trying! :)

Wayne said...

I don't know Kim, I don't think I have the strength :-)

Brenda's Arizona said...

But what is the point? Or is there one?

TheChieftess said...

STOP!!! And smell the flowers???