Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Juggling on 'the Drive'


Last Saturday marked the annual Stone Soup Festival at Britannia Community Centre.

When he's in town Pachiel is usually playing alto sax with his band Bolting Brassicas. When he's band-less he plays with the Carnival Band. On Saturday he and Simmah, clarinetist with BB (and CB) juggled instead.

Check out the Bolting Brassicas website, especially the Bios, I personally guarantee you'll get a chuckle out of them. And you'll learn a little about life in the hinterlands of B.C.



Virginia said...

Great shots. Photographing jugglers is near impossible. And the BIOS are hilarious.

Evgeni @ van365.ca said...

There's just so much fun goin on on the Drive:) This reminds me to visit it asap!

TheChieftess said...

Love shots like these!!! And I agree with V...the bios are hilarious!!!