Saturday, 8 May 2010


And yet another Vancouver Biennale installation. The nicest thing I can say for this one is that it doesn't block the view much.


Virginia said...

Oh come on W! Can't you just picture all the couples that will get engaged right here?

Wayne said...


Petrea Burchard said...

Virg, that's what came to my mind. You and I are a couple of romantics.

TheChieftess said...

I L-O-V-E this shot Wayne!!! ( I did not Immediately see engagement rings either) I just really like the circle...the ocean...the color...the time of day!!! Don't let those other detractors bother you...this is a great photo!!!

( that the ring concept has come up...I can see someone getting engaged here too...sigh...what do you expect...we're girls!!!!)

wv: tuisms...a slight variation of a truism...kind of like the comments above!!!

Wayne said...

Thanks for the feedback ladies.

I wouldn't see anything romantic about this if you hit me over the head with one of them. But I'm not complaining, I have to fill the blog with something and I've photographed most of the cranes in Vancouver …. twice.

Virginia said...

Sometimes I wish I COULD hit you over the head with one of these!!! :)

Tash said...

hee-hee. funny caption.
I love your photo of it...that's another nice thing you can say about it--makes for good foreground of a splendid view.