Sunday 28 March 2010


I'm soaking up the sun in Seattle

The monorail, and much of Seattle Centre including the Space Needle, are left of over from the 1962 Seattle World's Fair

Frank O. Gehry's Experience Music Project building, aka EMP, was built in the fair grounds and over and around the monorail

It's a fair bet that similar shots have been done already and better by Chuck or Kim


Virginia said...

Well that's amazing. It looks like it's gobbled up that monorail! Hope you're having fun!

Kim said...

Super shots! I haven't got any as nice. And damn my memory! I forgot this was a weekend you would be in town. Sorry about that. I have the weekend of April 10 in mind. . . but lost track of this one.

Chuck Pefley said...

I, too, didn't realize you were down here. Remind me about the April dates ...

Both of your images are terrific, Wayne, so stop apologizing and being self-deprecating! OK?

TheChieftess said...

Very interesting building!!! Reminds me of Jonah the whale!!!