Saturday 20 February 2010

Olympic Lessons

Having an international sporting extravaganza in town give us the chance to learn about people from other parts of Canada and other countries.

So, what have we learned so far?

1. If we didn't know it before we've learned that the Swedes are scofflaws and just cross the road wherever they please.

2. We've learned that people who don't live here think you need to wear mittens in Vancouver in February.

In fact, everyone is wearing these mittens except me. They're possibly the hottest selling Olympic souvenir at $10.00. If they aren't on sale now they will be pretty quick.

No, it's not cold enough for mittens (or scraves), it's a style thing.

3. We've learned too that people will line up for anything.
Everywhere I go people are lined up. This queue is outside Canada's Northern House which no doubt has stuffed polar bears and display cases with rocks in them.

Remember lesson #1? See what I mean about those Swedes.


Anonymous said...

I love people watching... Seems like you are in a great position to do that at the moment :0)

Virginia said...

Why the mittens and are they all red?? And what in the heck is a scofflaw? Another made up word I fear.

PS Buy me a rock, W.

Wayne said...

V. There's a small pic of the mitts now.

Canada Post charges an arm and a leg to mail rocks. And besides they not pure rocks, they have stuff like diamonds or gold in them.

Anonymous said...

Love this one, Wayne. (Thank god I'm not Swedish. Only a little bit. Just enough to make me want that pair of mittens.)

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Great photos of people - I like your thoughts. I'm sure I'd be one of the people wearing gloves, scarf and full winter regalia.
Btw, I have an Olympic souvenir of the mascot Miga wearing her green Olympic scarf. (A lady from Canada sent it to me for Christmas)
Are you going to the Olympics?
Melbourne Daily Photo

Wayne said...

Thanks you guys.

Karin, I was worried you might be a little bit Swedish. If you'd been a lot Swedish I'd be in trouble.

BFG, No, I don't have Olympic tickets but there is a lot of free entertainment around and the Carnival Band is playing a lot of Olympic gigs. So I'm in the middle of the Olympics, like it or not.

Virginia said...

He's lying. He's got front row seats for the figure skating. He's been there every night!