Sunday, 24 January 2010

Red Chinese

A slightly dicey title but after 5 or 10 seconds of soul searching I decided to go with it.

The lady walking her dog was serendipitous.

Meeting is one of many public art pieces installed for the Vancouver Biennale


Virginia said...

I like the title. What are they contemplating/meditating, the mud puddle in the center?

Anonymous said...

That title is just stating facts.
I like these guys. Do they all have the same face?

Wayne said...

The faces are the same but the eyes follow you around the room.

Chuck Pefley said...

Very cool! As you know, I'm a fan of public art. Being part of the Biennale, will they find a permanent home in the Vancouver area?

Wayne said...

Chuck, there may be some instances where they stay in Vancouver but my guess is most won't.

In the past they seem to come, stay a while and go.

You wouldn't believe the stink some Vancouverites can make about public art they don't happen to like.

We're such a bunch of ****** hicks.

Virginia said...

Hicks? Oh I cans show you some hicks, W. Like I've said, you Canadians don't have enough to worry about if you make a big stink about 5 red Chinese guys squatting in your town square.

Anonymous said...

What would Pete and Dud make of that?

Unknown said...

This is a very cool instalation! I really like it, as well as the title.

Wayne said...

Pete and Dud would have had a field day Karin :)

Anonymous said...

Dud, I think they're trying to say something about the importance of proper digestion.