Friday, 5 June 2009

Tight Fit

I approached Canada Place and the Cruise Ship Terminal from a different direction a couple of weeks ago. For the first time I realized that some of the trucks supplying cruise ships or the convention centre drive the full length of the building on an elevated roadway. 

From my vantage point it looks as if there isn't a whole lot of clearance between the trailer and the building. I suppose an inch is as good as a mile but the truck was going slowly in any case. 


Virginia said...

Good grief. I'd say an inch (cm) was a generous assumption W. You and your trucks! Love those sails or whatever they are. Beautiful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's a close one but I love the claustrophobic feel.

Hilda said...

Fascinating! I don't think I'd like being that truck's driver!

Bob Crowe said...

I assume some city or provincial administrator gave this the okay but I wouldn't want to be that driver (I did a little truck driving in my youth). As you know, what I remember best about that complex is the Five Sails restaurant - big yum at a high price.

Anonymous said...

Are those sails? I never drove a truck, but I drove a six-car tram around the zoo during college days.