Wednesday 10 June 2009

Stanley Park

One day two weeks ago I tromped around Stanley Park for a few hours. This duck and her ducklings were happy enough to loll in the sun on the Beaver Lake Trail and pose for pictures. 

On a weekday I had most of the trails to myself but what this shot does not show are the other half dozen touristy types doing exactly what I was doing, only better (it's a given).

I didn't even notice the head of the drake until I had embiggened the image for the umpteenth time. 


Anonymous said...

Cute ducklings - sadly we didn't have any in Queen's Park this year. It looks like you have the same lakeside irises we do.

Virginia said...

You've always had a way with ducks, Daffy. Embiggened?? OMG, another "Wayne Word"!

Anonymous said...

Careful Virg. He'll get some prof at Canada U to back him up.

Where's Waldo? I don't see no stinkin drake.

Wayne said...

I got embiggened from flickr.

Karin, put your glasses on and have another look. You can see his green head in the leaves in front of the mom.

Anonymous said...

You're rude to use my personal stories against me. I'm complaining to Canada U.

Wayne said...

I'm regularly chided for my bad manners. My eye-sight is no screaming hell either.

Did you see the drake?

Anonymous said...

I saw a little blue/green to the left of mom

Wayne said...

Ta Da !!!

Laurent said...

so cute !

Laurie Allee said...

I love ducks!

Embiggen is one of my favorite new verbs. That is great!