Friday, 12 June 2009


Staff were planting the summer beds in front to the Stanley Park Pavilion last week.

The chalet style building dates from 1911. I've only been inside once or twice, long ago, and I recall it as an unpretentious cafeteria. It seems to be more up-market now. 


Virginia said...

I love it when the staff does all the work! I embiggened it and I'm sure that worker hopes no one else does since you caught her bending over!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I now have your blog bookmarked, and you have allowed anonymous comments! Again, how I do love remembering time spent at Stanley Park. It's like no other park anywhere! And, in regard to V's comment---isn't amazing to see a worker bent over and not revealing something one would choose not to see---got my drift

Anonymous said...

This has decided me not to embiggen it. Do they plant vegetables and such?

Wayne said...

No veggies.

That's not an unflattering shot. When I see these gardeners I just think, wow, if I had to do all that bending I'd be a stretcher case in 2 hours. They do it all day long.

Virginia said...

You're not a woman darlin'! We have this phobia about being caught from behind, no matter what our shape or size. See, just think of all the stuff you have learned from moi! You're right though. Lawn care work is hard. I use to do it every weekend in my own yard. I'm too lazy/out of shape for it now. With my back, I be on that stretcher with you!

Laurie Allee said...

FInally got over here!

I love these shots, W. I'm not getting into the shot-from-the-rear conversation, though... :-)

Ken Mac said...

a grand home!