Friday, 29 May 2009

Marketing Goof?

Let me say right off that I know bupkis about marketing. Nevertheless, if I'd been asked, I would not have recommended changing the name from Hasty to Nasty Market. 


PinkPanthress said...

As if the 'Nasty' wasn't enough, seeing the Bee's 'Backside' in the Mural made me laugh even more! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh that's too hilarious - sometimes vandalism is funny!

Babzy.B said...

very funny !

Virginia said...

Well that's pretty funny and my next question is about "bupkis" Oh Lordy, another good Canadian word to add to my list. BTW, today I ran into not one but two Toronto couples at the Eiffel Tower today within an hour of each other! It's a small world after all...

Jazzy said...

haha, that's a good one!

magiceye said...

sure would attract a lot of attention!

Anonymous said...

Depends what you're selling

Halcyon said...

Well, it's no place I'd like to shop. Who knows what you'd find in there. Sounds more like something x-rated.

cadetcactus said...

In the last few years, someone's been consistently changing the sign back to an 'N', while the owners keep halfheartedly turning it back into an 'H'. You can see by the photo, how messed up the middle of the letter part is.