Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Booming Grounds

The tide is out in this shot. This is the view to the west from a viewpoint in Pacific Spirit Park next to UBC. Log booms are tied here after travelling down the coast. Eventually they will make their way to mills along the Fraser River. 

Looking across the Strait of Georgia to the horizon, although it's not clear, is Vancovuer Island about where the city of Nanaimo is. 


Virginia said...

Oh I suspect you thought this post was going to stump me for a comment. Says who??? I don't suppose you know that boom means "tree" in Dutch and Afrikans? Hmmmm??? :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Virg. I like this shot -- transport doesn't get any easier than this.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Top of the class V. Don't know how you can call your images mundane when each one is so different.