Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Cherry Blossom Pink

Ontario Bikeway @ Ridgeway Bikeway

It doesn't last long but lots of Vancouver streets are lined with pink or white blossoms this time of year. 

My street


Virginia said...

The streets are beautiful but I have the know what that biker has on his head! I just don't understand all the new bike "garb" I guess!

B SQUARED said...

A beautiful street. To bad the blossoms don't last longer.

Anonymous said...

That's seriously beautiful, but sadly too short lived.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Yep! It's a beauty. I'm not a flowery photographer but even I will concede to a full on blossom shot as pretty as this.

Bob Crowe said...

Love the yellow-pink thing it the top photo. Is the cyclist wearing flowers on his helmet?

That is the chicken said...

You guys are so lucky! Tonight our streets are full of snow!

The Explorer said...

Very beautiful...