Friday, 5 December 2008

This Old House

Remember the Eastside Culture Crawl? This is a house in the same neighbourhood as some of the galleries I visited. 

For a change of scenery I'm taking the train to Toronto and Ottawa tonight. And back! I'll be home about Dec.16. In the meantime I've scavenged enough photos from my iPhoto album to keep things going 'til I get home. When I have web access I'll post train trip pics of Canada covered in snow. Which may or may not prove to be more interesting than watching grass grow. 


Lori said...

I love this colorful house! It looks very cheerful. Enjoy your trip and bring back lots of snowy photos!!

Laurie Allee said...

Have a great trip, Wayne!

I love this photo. What a cheerful house. You know how I love houses painted in vivid colors.

Virginia said...

Oh good, train photos. I loved riding the train as a child. I even remember "berths". Now that will qualify me for senior citizenship if nothing else will. Choo Choo! Have fun.

I think you're brave to strike out like that on your own. I am not sure I could do that but maybe I could. I am assuming you have been there before so it's not totally new to you?

Virginia said...

Opps , got so chatty I forgot to say I love the red house. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Claus live there. ( See I am all in the Christmas spirit now that the dreaded tree is up).

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Enjoy your trip!

Jill said...

This is quite a billiant paint color. Easy to find if one had a few too many I guess. Will you be stopping by Niagara? It might be icy and extra beautiful right.

Babzy.B said...

nice red house and have a good trip !

Sharon said...

Your comments always make me smile. Have a nice trip!