Tuesday 9 September 2008


This downtown mall was built in more optimistic times. It's located a stone's throw from Canada's poorest postal code. For any number of reasons it never really seems to have been a success.

The one saving grace for the place is the multi-plex called Tinseltown. It has very nice theatres.

I'm off galavanting. I've pre-scheduled posts until 9/15 for consistency but I'll be reading comments while I'm away. 


Mo said...

Hope your having a nice time. Are you in tinsletown

Virginia said...

Big fancy mall built next to the poorest area. Hhhmmmm, wonder why it hasn't flourished!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you have fun galavanting. I always do!

Debbie Courson Smith said...

It's a great-looking mall. I imagine it was part of a "redevelopment plan" of some sort.

Lori said...

Tinseltown...what a great name for a theater! I hope business picks up at the mall. (That's so funny that we've both been taking photos of works by Jeff Koons lately!) Hope you've been enjoying your trip!!

Wayne said...

I'm not in Tinsel Town. At the moment I'm in NYC. In a couple of days I go to Philadelphia then back to Montreal and on to Vancouver.

When the mall was built there were plans for several condos in the area. Lots of the condos weren't built. The place is nuts with new construction now so the mall's future should be secure.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love this upshot. Great lines and colour in this.

Enjoy your time away.