Thursday, 18 September 2008

Red Crane

If this crane didn't look freshly painted I doubt I'd have given it a second look. But it did, so I did.

Unless it gets too windy the guys that operate these cranes don't come down until the end of their shift. Raises some questions doesn't it. 

The site is Broadway and Cambie and the project is my favourite questionable government project (and there are lots of them) the Canada Line. 

The Canada Line is a, partially underground, partially elevated, light rail system that will connect downtown to Richmond and the airport when it is completed in time for the 2010 Olympics. My concern is that it will syphon funds away from regular bus service, cost way more than the projected 2 billion dollars and not get the ridership it's forecast to get. 


Debbie Courson Smith said...

Red is certainly an eye-catching color, but also the color that signifies debt, past-due bills, and stop...hmmmm

Ineke said...

apparently they pee in a bottle that you take down after their shift.

Laurie Allee said...

Los Angeles has some controversy over transportation money for our light rail since ridership is pretty low on the trains and the bus lines always need money. I don't know enough about it to have a solid opinion but from op ed pieces I suspect the bus riders are getting a raw deal.

I like this red crane!

Lori said...

Operating a crane can be very dangerous work. We've had so many accidents here recently. You'd have to have no problems with being up high to be in that line of work. I'm not brave enough.

Virginia said...

Oh I can tell you about some Questionable Government Projects. Our maniacal mayor wants to try to win the Olympics for Birmingham. OUr rapid transit system consists of 1. City buses that are in working order from time to time, 2. Trolleys ( I'm serious ) 3. Your own car. YOu can't make this stuff up. Try and top that Vancouver!

Saretta said...

That bright red really caught my eye, too! I don't care what it's my favorite color! :-)

Wayne said...

Ineke got it in one, they take a bleach bottle, or something similar, with them.

Laurie, Virginia, the only reason the Canada Line is being constructed is because of the Olympics. We never seem to have money to feed and house the homeless and mentally ill or build hospitals or renovate schools. But just mention the Olympics and money (tax dollars) flows like water. Sorry, the Olympics always touches a nerve with me.

Thanks you guys.

Lynette said...

Yes, Wayne, you've given me a grin. Thanks.

Jill said...

Well, when we run out of gasoline at least Vancouver will have some mass transit, way ahead of many of our cities.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Lots of big cranes here too!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Never seen a red crane, we only seem to do blue. Really striking againsit that lovely blue sky. It's like the 2012 Olymoics in London, nice idea, but can they afford to sort out the transport system. I doubt it.