Thursday, 28 August 2008


Front and Company have one of the most eye-catching, if not downright esoteric, window displays along Main St. at the moment.

It's apparent, from visiting their website, that creative window dressing is one of their specialties. 

Sorry about the doofus in the baggy pants spoiling the shot. I didn't notice him until it was too late.


Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know, if it wasn't for the doofus in the baggy pants there wouldn't be a picture, right?!

In answer to your question from a couple of days ago, yes I have been to the Burrell (isn't it fabulous?) - there are some pictures on the blog earlier in the year. No doubt it will feature again at some point!


Jill said...

A great way to advertise their specialty.

Sally said...

Weird! A similar doofus often gets in the way of my shots too!

Thanks for your visit to me at Sydney Daily Photo

Sally said...

lol, wayne about the Giant Gecko - but you never know what other monsters are lurking in wait in mild-mannered suburbia!

Laurie Allee said...

Doofus/shmoofus...this is the coolest window I've ever seen. Love it!

Kitty said...

hm...should be Font and Company
I love lettering. so cool!

Lynette said...

Oh so often a person I seem to know appears in store windows when I take photographs, too, Wayne. It's eerie.

Thanks for all of the information about the smokestack in my photo today.

I agree with your comment about the Pacific Northwest's lack of seasonal weather phenomena of the dangerous sort. I remind myself of this grace quite often, but those who've never lived anywhere else don't give it much of a thought, I imagine, until something like Katrina wreaks havoc.